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First Review! ~Kirkus Reviews 'Maybe A Whale'

Maybe A Whale picture book for kids

It's a moment where you hold your breath and want to read the review...but maybe you don't want to read the review? What if they completely pan your book? What if they question everything you did in the book? Maybe I should just go watch Netflix and chill...

No, no, no. The reviews must be read! And our first review for 'Maybe A Whale' is in from Kirkus Book Reviews.

A gentle yet profound story about a shared journey to peace. Maybe a search for a whale might uncover a way to heal and remember.
-Kirkus Book Review

The short first lines of the Kirkus Book review really capture the spirit of the book that Kirsten Pendreigh wrote, and I was lucky enough to illustrate. The rest of the review is a some-what detailed account of the story and what the illustrations look like. Here is an excerpt:

Pendreigh’s evocative text alternates between narration and the protagonist’s inner thoughts, offering excellent conversation starters for helping children deal with loss. Smith’s immersive illustrations, which at times have heavy lines, nevertheless make use of dramatic perspectives, imaginative compositions, and a luminous palette of deep blues, greens, purples, and yellows to lend emotional depth to the tale.

You can read the whole review here.

And you can get the book here (or at your favourite local book shop of course!)

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